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Polyvagal Theory & Yoga (In-Studio & Livestream)

Earlier this year Marcia led 6 hours of training on Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and Yoga that included didactic information paired with practices designed to support the nervous system. She has worked with this material in her own life and in regular classes since then and learned much from you—the community who engaged in these practices with her. In each of these new workshops, we’ll focus on one main aspect/question related to PVT with lots of time for new material, conversation, personal stories of what works or not, and practices we can do to keep moving with ease through all parts of our nervous system. There is so much experience and wisdom in our community around this topic now—let’s share what we are learning.

Sept 18 1:30 to 4:00pm (EST)

The focus of this workshop will be on how PVT helps us understand the effects of trauma and how we can shift from state to state as needed for our protection and social engagement. We’ll start with a refresher on the different states of the nervous system and then dive deep into the feeling of each state, why it is important, and what we can do to gently and respectfully shift gears/states for ourselves and each other, especially if someone feels stuck in one of the states. We’ll dive deeper into the questions of what our default states and patterns are when stressed and how to work with that information. We’ll also spend plenty of time building comfort and ease in the ventral vagal system as the foundation of health and healing.

October 23 1:30 to 4:00pm (EST)

What did the ancient yogis know about their nervous systems without having the language of PVT? How can we draw on our traditional understandings and practices to enhance living in our own bodies, families, and communities? How can our knowledge of PVT maximize the benefits of the practices we are already doing and help us choose new ones? How can we benefit from “top down” support (thoughts and beliefs that settle us) and bottom-up practices (direct stimulation to body and senses) as we weave together all the ways our nervous system can support us?


$55 for individual programs
$95 for both, registered together in advance


Radiant Yoga & Wellness in Worthington, OH

These workshops can be taken separately or together. If you did not attend the first two parts of this program and are interested in getting started, reach out to Marcia for some suggestions for getting a foundation.

January 15

Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory—An Ongoing Series