Dancing With Dragons

Explored in conjunction with Reiki (or other energy healing practices), a powerful synergy of experience, inquiry and energy allows for deep insights to emerge that support healing and growth.


In Dancing with Dragons, the facilitator and client work together to co-create an experience that allows healing to occur in its own time and in its own way. Unlike many approaches—where the client is a passive recipient of the facilitator’s therapeutic interventions—in this process the client engages actively in a form of self-inquiry that supports discovery and spacious awareness. The client, with the facilitator’s support, investigates sensations, feelings, metaphors and questions that bring truths to light to be acknowledged.

Dragons are often those challenging parts of ourselves that we almost always want to be rid of. They might be experienced as physical pain, uncomfortable emotions, worries, or memories of past traumas, and they always show up as sensations somewhere in the body. By turning toward the dragons and “dancing” with them in safe and elegant ways, they reveal important messages to us. These dragons almost always come from the sub-conscious levels of ourselves where talking alone doesn’t work. Once met and understood, these dragons integrate into our conscious experience and calm down—we dance with them instead of fighting with them.

The work is inspired by deep exploration of Reiki and meditation and is informed by psychologist David Grove’s method of talking with clients called "Clean Language." Clean Language uses carefully crafted, open-ended questions as the basis of self-inquiry and harnesses the power of metaphor to help deepen self-understanding. Marcia and Linda first learned a version of this process from their Reiki teacher and practitioner, Katherine Dufrane.

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Heidi Wuescher

“I am so grateful for this work. My experience as both a practitioner and client in this process is often beyond words, but here are a few that seem to describe DwD: Grace. Holy. Resonance. Intuitive. Deepening. Radiant. Fulfilling. Empowering. Spiritual. Connecting. Affirming. Healing. Supportive. Structured. Reliable. Spacious. 

Thank you both for your patience, wisdom, teachings and commitment to this process. It is truly one with potential for growth, transformation and spiritual awakening. I am truly grateful I listened to my spiritual guides and invested in myself and this process”

Shelley Brunicardi

To use some of your words Marcia, I was very tenderized by class today. After the grounding & a bit into class, I felt an overwhelm of tears just wanting to flow. I think I’ve just been so touched by this entire process to find there is so much love in the world, love in the class, so much acceptance and understanding of what it is to be living in these human bodies and so much beyond these bodies. While I’m not sure I will ever use DWD on a professional level, I know I’ve been changed by all that I’ve experienced. I didn’t know why I felt compelled to sign up for this training, but this right here is reason enough.

Susan Keister

“Let me say again that I am so grateful that I answered the call of this life-changing experience. Who could possibly resist something called Dancing with Dragons?! But what has happened in these classes and sessions is so intimate, profound, and soul-connecting that I realize you two are on to something that is fundamentally vital to our mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being at this time. Humanity needs DWD.

Lauren Schultz

“Marcia Miller had me at, “you will feel healing in your own life, as well as receive new skills in supporting others to find their own way.”

Grateful for the past decades of mind  & body integration teachers from Marci, and especially the last sex months with Marcia and Linda, to co-teachers of Dancing with Dragons (SWS), a collaborative presence practice.

Oh Dancing with Dragons, how you’ve helped me grow. I’ve battled mental health issues since I can remember and this program showed me how to face them with compassion.

This practice has opened my eyes and taught me how to be present because life is even more beautiful when you can truly trust that the answer you need is always within you.

Excited to continue the journey of energy work to maintain the skills needed to better show up for myself so I can support others.”