
The weekly meditation I offer is a buffet of many different techniques and ways of being intimate with ourselves, our needs, and the world around us. Each of us comes to meditation with a unique combination of skills, fascinations, life experiences, emotions, beliefs, traumas, and desires. What works for one person may not be the best practice for another. And we, as individuals, have so many different parts within ourselves, that we may need or want different experiences of meditation from day to day and throughout our lives. I offer a variety of practices so that each of us can first be affirmed to trust ourselves, that what we are attracted to is just right for us for now, and then have a number of practices that speak to us over time. Sometimes we’ll follow a theme for a few weeks or even months,and each meditation session is a complete session within itself.



Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:30p ET at Radiant Yoga and livestream (Starting September).

Private Sessions

Private meditation sessions are available at a sliding scale fee.

Meditation Bio


I have been practicing meditation for 45 years, starting with Transcendental Meditation™ when I was in college. The day I first learned to meditate was also the day Jane Fonda hosted a huge anti-war rally at my college, and it seems that meditation and full out living have been co-mingling ever since. I have meditated through the many joys and tragedies of my life and have come to think of myself as a “radical welcomer.” Everything is welcome in my meditation—breath, thoughts, all emotions, body sensations (especially body sensations), and anything else that shows up. All are messengers to the Great Mystery of Life. I believe that my mission as a meditation coach and teacher is to support everyone to be more compassionate and welcoming to themselves, and from there to all beings. We each have natural pathways to the vastness of Awareness, and I want to help people to find their portals to Aliveness and Wholeness. As a lifelong yoga teacher and founder of Yoga on High, I have had many opportunities to teach meditation to all types of people and am so happy that meditation is now so popular.

Teachers who have been especially useful to my meditation practice and teaching include: Lorin Roche (author of The Radiant Sutras) and his wife Camille Maurine (also author of Meditation Secrets for Women); Anne Douglas and Stephanie Lopez from the iRest™ tradition; Daniel Odier, Stephen Levine, Roshi Joan Halifax and Will Johnson; and authors Sharon Salzberg, Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, along with the poet Mary Oliver, who keeps inspiring me to pay attention to everything, each day, with amazement.