Healing energy is present within each of us.
Ways of Working with Reiki
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful energetic force that brings balance to all aspects of being. Most people feel more relaxed and even insightful after a session; many feel rested, intensely alive, and vibrantly ready to engage with life.
I have several ways of working with clients using Reiki and, while I have listed them here as if they are separate, they are not really. Depending on what the client prefers we can move back and forth among any of these practices, moment by moment.
Silent Reiki
Many Reiki sessions are mostly silent once the client and practitioner get comfortable and settled in. Often in silent sessions the client drops into an altered state of deep rest and relaxation; they may also dose or shift into a deep sleep for some time. This is all normal and useful—the Reiki goes where it is needed and provides support in both known and unknown ways.
Reiki with Guided Meditation
Sometimes clients show up rushed, anxious and/or exhausted—unable to settle or focus easily. In these situations, it can be very useful for me to start with a guided meditation, generally a body scan to feel into every part of the body, helping the client become present to themselves, the support all around them and the Reiki. Sometimes guiding through a chakra meditation can be helpful to someone who wants to experience the energetic quality of the Reiki. These meditations can be 5 to 10 minutes long or can last much of the practice, depending on the client’s desire.
Dancing with Dragons—A collaborative Presence Process
Dancing with Dragons brings Clean Language™ and Reiki together. In a client-led session, I am present for whatever arises for the client, offering non-judgmental, curious support as long held tensions and challenges unwind on their own. I ask simple, open-ended questions that allow the client to explore their own experience directly without assumptions or judgment from me. This approach can help the client feel the pattern of what is often nonverbal traumatic experiences. Telling what is going on to a listening, non-judgmental witness is profoundly healing in itself, and even more so when Reiki is added to the mix. Sometimes what comes forward is not trauma or pain, but a felt experience of the unity of all being—a profound sense of interconnection and oneness, which can also be held and explored together through a mixture of questions and silence.
Reiki plus Essential Oils
Most of my clients like to choose an essential oil to use during the session. I generally place a couple of drops on a cotton pad and place it near the heart or to the side of the Reiki table letting the client choose how much smell is present. These oils can bring another sensory support to each session.