Yoga Explorations

After over 45 years of practicing and teaching yoga, Marcia is continually reframing the questions that guide her teaching.  For this next phase of her life, she will feel completely free to go where she and her students are drawn to be curious. *

Her questions these days relate to living in her whole being as a functional, free, and awakened presence. They will be explored through making yoga shapes and adding other movement practices to the mix.

  • What does it mean to be Awake in the world? 

  • How can we support and tune our nervous systems to be alert and to deepen our connection to others? 

  • How can we bring healing to our past and ongoing traumas AND touch the place/experience beyond all trauma—that isn’t really beyond anything but already inherent in it? Can we do this in community?

  • How can we meet ourselves just as we are in any given moment, and offer our bodyminds what will most support integration and freedom?

  • Can I feel the sensations in my body? 

  • Can I feel the energetic streams, rivers, and pulsations of my body?

  • As I do feel my body, can I listen and respond to its knowings and requests?

  • How can I learn to recognize and unwind the cultural conditioning of patriarchy and white supremacy?  Can the conditioning be unwound or just felt, loosened (perhaps), and acknowledged?

  • How do I know myself as part of nature and not separate from it?

  • What is the felt experience of Freedom and Aliveness?

  • How can I live in wonder and delight even as I honor and feel into my own pain and the pain in the world?

*Marcia is not interested in certain questions often explored in yoga class—"How can I get deeper into that pose?” “What is the ‘right way’ to do this pose?”

Class schedule at Radiant Yoga

Wednesdays | 5p to 5:30p

Yoga Explorations Level 2 & 3
Wednesdays | 5:45p to 7:15p