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Dorsality and Your Belly

As we have learned in the Polyvagal workshops over the last few years, one of the states of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the Dorsal Vagal (DV).  Most of the nerves in this system are located like a web in the belly, and when activated (as the Polyvagal Theory goes) take us into a collapsed and dissociated state.  This is a very good thing if you are being eaten by a tiger—you don’t want to be consciously there for that—and now some of us are wondering if there is much more to what happens in this state.  In fact, Gabriel Kram (one of my main teachers of the ANS) thinks that there are at least 3 dorsalities, and how we get into our collapsed state determines what might help us to come back into our lives.  He suggests that the three entry ways into dorsal vagal are shock, burnout, and grief. I have had many experiences in my life that lead me to believe this is true, and as a yogi, I have explored practices that support each of these experiences back into connection a connected (Ventral Vagal state).

In this workshop, we’ll lay out the ideas and then enjoy practices that will enliven our bellies in gentle yet powerful and even fun ways.

Class will be in person (space is limited) and on livestream.  Recordings will also be available for those who can’t be there in person.


Marcia Miller



June 5

Writing and Drawing Meditation Series, Part 2

June 23

Reiki Reconnection & Attunement