
I have considered this idea/practice before, but it never seemed as important as this morning.  I was walking in the dawn and noticing that despite a long and glorious meditation and putting myself clearly on a path I was meant to take, I was feeling a sense of heaviness and dread.  The day before, Michele and I had begun announcing to our business team and our teachers the news that we were putting Yoga on High for sale. This is something we have been working toward for several years and part of me was heavy with all the emotion of that day, as we held space for everyone’s shock and initial sadness at one more change and one more not-knowing during a pandemic/election year. I also knew there was much more change to come. Another part was elated with the knowing that new doors would be opening for me as more space became available in my life, though that part was nowhere to be found this morning. And I was heavy with the knowing that several close people in my life were suffering deeply and I was feeling grief for them and for me.

So, as I walked under the lightening sky I was thinking about where my support could come from—the tiny crescent of the morning moon seemed one possibility along with the still bright planet next to it. Then I thought of Martha and Katherine—my dear departed co-founders of Yoga on High (with Linda and me.) They were such a part of Yoga on High and such a part of our early Reiki adventures, it occurred to me that maybe they could send me Reiki and blessings. So, there in the early morning light I invoked all the Reiki symbols, the memories and feelings of love for Martha and Katherine, and asked them to bless and support me as I moved into the day.  I continued my walk and eventually forgot what I had invited with the Reiki.  As I walked the long driveway, I saw one of our beloved hawks that likes to linger in an area of trees nearby. I hadn’t seen it up close for weeks and took time to admire its shadowy silhouette. I slowed down but kept going so as not to disturb or draw too much attention.  As I walked by, it flew right next to me, close to the ground as it hunted for small mammals and reptiles.  As I came back past that same spot it suddenly struck me that this was a sign from Martha. When she was dying, her totem animal was the hawk, and I have had many experiences of thinking of her and then seeing a hawk since then. I nearly laughed out loud and remembered the Reiki request and was grateful for a sign that they were there for me.  Then as if in confirmation to this thought, I saw the hawk again, and then its partner with it. My heart was full, and I have tears flowing as I write this. Deep thanks to my friends and to this practice that helps me feel their support.

Who in your life would like to be offering you the blessings of love and Reiki? They can be alive or passed on. Near or far.


