I had a Reiki session today with a dear friend.  We meet up regularly through Zoom and send to ourselves and others in need.  Today, we talked first as usual, to catch up and to see what is in our hearts.  We were both wanting some relief and understanding about nervousness related to upcoming programs we are each offering in the near future.  The “I just want to get it right” parts of us were briefly up and we were longing to sink into the knowing of being Ok, and not just being enough (as is popular to say these days—"I am enough”). I wanted to rest in the glorious knowing that not only was I enough, I was fabulous and fine, just as I am!  We lay down in our respective homes and sent to our intentions and the world.  I felt the usual flow of energy that I always feel in these sessions, waves of energy flowing everywhere.  They started in my belly this time and flowed everywhere. These waves of energy felt amazing, and life-enhancing and I reveled in them for a few minutes.  Then I heard a bird outside my window.  Its tone was very clear and almost insistent. It went on for several minutes like that with me wondering what kind of bird that was, as it was not one of the regulars that live around here.  Then it had a new song for a while, and then a third one. All the while I felt it had a message for me that I was almost but not quite getting.  If I’m honest, and I will be, I was also wishing I had brought my phone into the room with me.  It has a bird identification app on it with sound recognition.  I was really longing to know what kind of bird it was.  I did not get up to get my phone and once the bird was silent, I sank back into the energy waves.

Then I remembered our intention.  I asked Divine Mother energy to help me know that I am her beloved child and precious and perfect just as I am. I wanted to know that I was not merely enough but also treasured. I know it might sound strange—even egotistical—but this longing was not born of my ego.  It was born of the part of me that Reiki helps me to experience that is part of the universal energy—the “ki” in Reiki.  This part wanted to be known within me as part of the Whole.  Anyway, kaboom! The moment I remembered the intention, I was filled with the knowing I had been longing for; I was the Divine Mother’s dearest child, dearest Self even, full of aliveness and connection to all that is.  And not just me, all of us—this is our birthright. My heart was huge and overflowing with gratitude and a huge light flashed in front of my Third Eye.  I’m capitalizing it here because it felt like a holy place.  I have no idea how long this experience was, maybe a couple of minutes, but those moments were totally nourishing and ecstatic.  Suddenly I was out of that experience and my mind turned to a problem I’m having in my life.  At first, I nearly laughed out loud—literally the ecstasy into the agony—how could this happen?  Then I had the wonderful thought that this problem showed up to be blessed alongside me by this beautiful energy.  This thought was not at all a distraction (as it might have been labeled in some meditation traditions), it was a chance to bring a new energy to this quite hateful experience.  Suddenly there was a feeling of sacred hope—like this issue could be resolved (or at least supported) in ways that were creative and beyond my mind. I felt a bit tipsy as we finished the session and was just barely able to say “it was great, see you next time” to my friend. Already, everything feels different.

I’m posting this story now, as we head into our Dancing with Dragons training as a way of sharing the real-life experience of Reiki.  We set the Reiki flowing and all sorts of things happen.  I never label any of it as distraction because it is all blessed in the Reiki energy.  I heard and adored that bird, and it was part of the Reiki.  I felt the arising of an uncomfortable thought, and it too was a precious part of the experience as I described above.  When we are working in Dancing with Dragons, we invite into awareness something that is painful or hard for us—the body tells us what to be with.  We are not inviting something from outside ourselves—rather, whatever arises is ALREADY HERE and often running parts of the show without our awareness or agreement.

Next week I'll post a story that gives a better idea of what happens in a Dancing with Dragons session, but this experience was so alive for me that I’m sending it now.


