
Some of you met Luann Jacobs at the Reiki Convocation.  She was my first Reiki teacher and remains a dear friend and colleague. We have been sharing Reiki since the Convocation and we had an extra-ordinary experience recently. Our intention had to do with all the healing and reconciliation energy that is needed in these days of climate crisis, racial inequities, COVID, political polarities, and a sense that we are at a very important tipping point in our lives and the life of our world.  What can we as healers do?  How can we be vibrant, energy-filled, healthy influences in what happens next?  How can we keep the gates of loving energy open more often and then follow and live the guidance that comes through? During my experience with Luann, the potent flow of the reiki energy coursed through my entire body and reminded me (again) that it is always here—that we just need to step into the ever flowing River of Reiki that is endlessly abundant.  I was also reminded that Love is nondual--Love does not take sides; Love loves everything and everyone.  This does not mean that we agree with everything that each person does or wants—just that hatred will never get us what we want.  

Reiki energy is a potent force in our own personal healing and there are times to step back and care for ourselves.  And this is also the time to be SO FULL of Reiki energy that it spills out into the whole world as a needed and necessary healing force. Can we organize our lives to prioritize the capacity to be part of the healing of everything and everyone?  I don’t mean this as an egoic exercise—rather that each of us doing our part can create magic together.  Luann described her vision this way: that the circle of all of us working together is the scaffolding of support we all need to keep the healing energy flowing more fully and more often.  Then it becomes the joy of being in community, even when the need is great.  

I have a follow up story to my experience with Luann.  I love my sleep and have noticed that when I wake up in the night that I’m almost always crabby and annoyed at missing my rest.  I like to send Reiki then as it helps my mood and may benefit others, but last night I was just plan crabby and noticed my own negativity as I lay there. Then I remembered the scaffold of support and that Reiki in groups is often more powerful than just by myself.  I realized that someone somewhere was likely offering Reiki to the world and that that person or people could be my circle of practitioners for the night.  So, I offered the symbols and linked in and felt the gates open and the Reiki energy flow.  To me, this showed the power of intention—that I really want the gates of Reiki to be open as often as possible, and that with that anchored intention, something in my system helped to make it so.  I felt the glory of the Reiki flowing through me and into the world and then fell back asleep and woke up content. 

This is our time.  Many of us have been Reiki practitioners for years and others are drawn to it now in this deep time of need. Plug into our community in any way you can.  The world needs your love and healing energy. Stay filled up—radiantly glowing and shine your light!
