New Year Newsletter 2024
“When you do things from your soul
You feel a river running through you—
A joy, a joy!”
The end of 2023 has left me deeply inspired about some of the work I have been doing for years even decades, and am offering a lot of programs in the next few months. This newsletter puts all these events all in one place so you can find what you might be looking for. It is amazing to me that I am not working as hard as I once did—I am only teaching the projects that thrill me to bring into the world. Please join me for any or all of these. Most of these programs/courses are offered through Radiant Yoga and Wellness. All programs are both in person and livestreamed. Recordings are offered for many. The links in the titles of the programs take you right to the sign-up page. And, if the cost would keep you from joining us, please reach out to me about a scholarship.
Skills of Meditation Pt 2 or What Do I Do With all the Stuff I’m Welcoming?
Meditation can be the most authentic time of our lives where we experience the full freedom to be ourselves. As we learn to relax and settle into our sweet spot, often, what shows up are the parts of ourselves we have stuffed away in dark corners without having digested them. This is good, and sometimes hard. And in the brilliance of meditation, we almost always feel better afterwards no matter what happens during the practice. In this course we’ll explore skills that are helpful in healthfully navigating the flux and flow of whatever is coming through us during meditation. We’ll learn and practice:
creating a foundation of wellbeing
personal cues and practices of safety and connection
how meditation is a wired in us as a superpower for survival
titrating the amount of what can come through at any given time
sitting in the middle of intensity
Though a continuation of a previous course, this one is open to everyone.
Wednesdays, 5:00 to 5:30p ET
Jan 10 through Feb 14
Cost is $90.
Portals To Connection, Part 2 & 3
A workshop on the Nervous System Through the Lens of Polyvagal Theory
In Part 1 we set a foundation for this exploration and covered about half of the portals to connection. Join us again as we continue our study and practice together. With the foundation set we can focus even more on the portals and the practices we can embody. There is so much more to share.
“You cannot heal beyond your ability to access connection.”
Healing depends on enough safety to allow integration of unresolved stress or traumas. In this workshop, we continue our exploration of the nervous system by focusing on improving access to connection through the social engagement (ventral vagal) system. What are the portals to connection? Hint, some are fairly universal, and others may be personal to you. We’ll also explore strategies for staying in connection, even when faced with stress. Yoga practice is relevant for many of the portals and some of the practices will be outside of yoga.
This workshop is designed for anyone curious about their nervous system. While part of an ongoing series, it is also appropriate for someone new to this study.
In person and Livestream. Recordings will be available to all—sign up for livestream if you know you won’t be able to attend on the day.
The assumption for Parts 2 & 3 will be that you attended or have seen the recording of Portals to Connection, Part 1. This recording highlights the foundational ideas of what we did in Part 1. It runs about 50 minutes.
Time: Saturday, January 20, 1:00 to 3:30p ET
Saturday, February 24, 1:00 to 3:30p ET
Cost: $55 (Cost for video is extra $20)
Reiki Reconnection and Re-Attunement
In this free online gathering, join Reiki Masters Marcia Miller, Linda Oshins, Luann Jacobs and others for a Reiki ritual to begin the new year. We will re-attune everyone who joins, so as individuals and as a group we can reconnect with Reiki energy and each other. Re-attunement is a powerful meditative experience. As we feel this connection to infinite loving energy we can joyfully rededicate and recommit ourselves to bringing light to the many challenges of the world. We need each other!
Anyone who has previously been attuned to Reiki from any lineage is welcome to join us. You need not be using Reiki regularly to join. As part of the ritual, we will invite you to create a personal sacred space or altar wherever you are. Consider what special items you want to have with you, possibly including rocks, crystals or plants, pictures of beloveds (some of whom might not be among the living), anything reminding you of your ancestors, candles, flowers, etc. Have a journal handy as well. We’ll end with a giant send to any and all people, situations that are near and dear to our hearts.
This one-hour Zoom session is Sunday, January 21
1:00p ET
Noon CT
11:00 MT
10:00 PT
Reiki Level 2 for UZITs
As a UZIT, you have been attuned to Reiki Level 1 and have had many hours of practicing both in the training and in your work. For those who feel called, Reiki Level 2 is a deepening of your Reiki experience personally and professionally, that allows us to continue to explore the magic and mystery of this great practice and of Life itself.
During the training you’ll receive a new attunement, and you will receive and learn 3 symbols. You’ll learn their meanings and how to use them, including how to offer Reiki from a distance. You will be in community with other UZIT Reiki practitioners with time to explore your experiences and questions about Reiki. You will learn more about using Reiki as a form of personal and community care, and how to incorporate what you are learning into your UZIT work. This course is for those new to Level 2 and those who would like to repeat Level 2, with other UZITs, in our lineage.
Instructor: Marcia Miller, UZIT Senior Reiki Teacher, and several other UZIT Reiki Master Guest Teachers
Time: This is a livestream, interactive course.
Friday, March 8, 6:00 to 8:00p ET
Saturday, March 9, Noon to 4:00p ET
Sunday, March 10, Noon to 4:00p ET
Cost: $450, or $399 if paid in full by Feb 28. Some scholarships available.
You can also pay by payment plan. Payment due in full before 6pm ET on March 8.
For all payment details go to the registration link.
Questions? Join Marcia for a 45 min Reiki Level 2 Info Session on Tuesday, Jan 30 or Feb 27 at 7:30p ET
training registration/description:
info sessions registrations/descriptions:
Jan 30:
Feb 27:
Dancing with Dragons Reiki Trainings
Linda and I are currently planning our next round of programs for ongoing and new practitioners. If you would like to be on the list for more information please let me know.