Community of Infinity

I’m about 2 weeks out from hip replacement surgery and I have been receiving a LOT of Reiki. Beloved members of our community have let me know they sent Reiki to me before the surgery, during the surgery and ongoingly after the surgery. They have organized individual and group virtual Reiki sessions with me as well as in person sessions. I am surrounded by and infused with Reiki. I am gratefully receiving it all and I know something more about this—the Reiki is flowing to us all.

There is no embarrassment or resistance here to receiving this loving healing energy. My body has been through a big surgery, and I’m thrilled to have all this support. So much inside me will now be re-aligning and integrating and this feels like a big deal. I’m taking my time and taking it all in. AND, because of the beauty and intimacy of our community I know I am not the only one in need at this time.

Not only am I not the only one in need, but the Reiki is flowing to us all. I can feel it. When I have been receiving Reiki, I can both feel the energy moving through me AND I can feel how it is also flowing out to others in need. Sometimes, those of you also in need pop into my head and there is a way in which I understand you are in this powerful field of energy with me. I sometimes refer to it as overflow, but that is not exactly right. I have all I need AND the energy of Reiki is infinite, so plenty for us all.

The other day a dear community member in need said that she really preferred that I receive ALL the Reiki for now, and I took in the sweetness of her longing for me to be better and knew that this is not how Reiki works. Infinity is BIG (what an understatement.) The thing is, because we are all connected in this field of Infinity in known and unknown ways, if I am receiving Reiki you are too. Sometimes we can feel those connections during our practice of Reiki and to me it feels true and completely mysterious. As I write, I’m trying to find words for what I mean and there are no words that are quite enough.

As I was speaking to a friend yesterday about all this, I heard myself say that I was thrilled to be in this “Community of Infinity.” I just love this phrase that I have never heard or used before. I even wrote it down because it felt important to contemplate. We already know that as we share Reiki with another, we receive it as it moves through us. This alone is such a powerful metaphor for healing. At another level though, it is even more than this. We are part of a web of interconnections that can never be broken and Reiki is here for all of us as needed. When you share Reiki with me, I get it AND we are in an energetic field together, all receiving. When I say “we” in this last sentence I mean all of us. All we need to do is to step into it with intention. 


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