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Polyvagal Theory Re-Adapting Workshop

When we are young, even pre-verbal, we learn adaptations to the world around us that help us thrive, and in the case of challenges, survive. This is the nervous system doing its job! As we age, those same adaptations, where are nearly always unconscious, are still acting on us, sometimes even running the show. Because of this it can seem as if we are several different people. Sometimes, we are capable adults with great problem-solving skills and the ability to connect with loved ones, and other times we seem like toddlers throwing a fit—not capable of even remembering that we have skills. Other times, “simple” triggers cause us to slide into the state of the nervous system we experienced when we were disappointed, afraid or nervous.

In this workshop we’ll explore ways to bring these patterns into our conscious awareness—a good start, but one that is not generally enough to change them. Next we’ll take one pattern and try out a new, never before taught exercise, that can be useful in your life, as part of your meditation practice or something to be used with a trusted other.

This program is available online and livestream.  If you are not able to be in person but would like the recording, please sign up for livestream.

This workshop is part of an ongoing series about Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory designed for yoga practitioners, yoga teachers and therapists of all kinds. If this is your first one then please read this.

Yoga Alliance CEs are available for this workshop.


Radiant Yoga + Wellness



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