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Dancing with Dragons Reiki Program

We are starting up a new DWD cohort this fall!  We are excited to offer again this program that is at the heart of everything that I (along with Linda Oshins) hold dear in our teaching.

From Linda: Dancing with Dragons is the marriage of Reiki and Clean Language. We all know the power of Reiki itself. Even after nearly 30 years of Reiki practice, I am still amazed at its healing transformations, still shocked when intractable pain vanishes for a time, when profound restlessness melts into stillness, when heartache transforms through embrace, when understanding dawns, when the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual layers of the self are revealed. How to talk about this? The sensitivity to energy itself is often impeded by describing it. Words are too small, too finite. But Clean Language, a method of asking specific, non-obstructive questions developed by the psychotherapist David Grove, stays within the flow of the experience. It doesn’t seek to analyze or even understand it in the usual sense. It simply describes it and in doing so illuminates it clearly in the moment.  Metaphoric description moves as energy moves. Speaking in metaphors while receiving Reiki flows. This is hard to understand without experiencing it. Come to a free information session to come closer to this practice yourself.


All classes will be 3 hours long (1:00 to 4:00pET /10:00a to 1:00pPT) , will be available in-person or livestream, and are recorded for viewing after the session.

November 9 & 10, 2024
December 14, 2024
January 11, 2025
February 8
March 8
April 12
May 10

In addition to the monthly sessions, each participant will receive a DWD session with either Marcia or Linda each month. You will be required to offer and receive a session with another member of the group each month.

You will also receive a complete full manual.


$785 (Early bird price before 10/22)
$855 (Price 10/22-11/4)
7 Monthly Payments of $145 are available (reach out to Marcia)  Payments must be done before the end of the course.
Some scholarships are available, please contact for details.

Class size limited to 15

Info Sessions:

9/11 7:30p ET (4:30p PT)

10/13 4:30p ET (1:30p PT)

Email marcia@marciamilleryoga to register

Interested in registering?  Fill out this application at the top of the page so we can get to know you better

November 3

Reiki Reconnection & Attunement