Exercises for Sensing Energy


I have been experimenting with feeling energy more clearly in my body as I am doing my self-Reiki or sharing with others. I know that Reiki works whether we feel it or not, AND when I feel it, I find I trust it more and even have more fun. And it feels good in my body to feel it; sometimes even important. With that in mind, I have made 3 short videos for you that will likely enhance your ability to feel energy. I love the way each practice feels in my body. Some of you have done one or more of these with me, but I wanted the whole group to have all of them. I have learned these from Lee Holden, a Qi Gong teacher that my husband is studying with.  I’ve taken a number of his classes as well and like these ones for energy feeling and building.

Fingernail Energizing

Grounding and Opening

6 Directions